My Car Has a Film!!

Have you ever gone to a car wash with a dirty car, but noticed a film on your vehicle AFTER washing through the automatic bay?! This can be a frustrating issue and can leave you wondering “why didn’t the car wash get this film off my vehicle?”

A film on a vehicle can be caused by a variety of different things, including magnesium chloride that the DOT puts on roads, long periods of time in between car washes, road construction chemicals, and acidic deposits from rainwater or sprinklers left to dry on the vehicle.

If you notice a film on your vehicle after a car wash, it means that film was on your vehicle BEFORE you went into the car wash.

If your vehicle had a film prior to entering the bay, at Rocky Mountain Car Wash we recommend that you use a self-serve bay and use the presoak and foam brush functions. We recommend this for a couple of reasons. By using the self-serve bay presoak, you can allow the soap enough dwell time to sit on the vehicle and loosen that stubborn grime. By using the self-serve foam brush, you are applying friction to the vehicle to finally rid the surface of the film loosened by the presoak.

An automatic wash might loosen the film on your vehicle if the film is thin/new enough, but if it has been there for some time - we recommend the self-serve.

At Rocky Mountain Car Wash we take a lot of care in ensuring our soaps are titrated weekly to ensure they are cleaning properly and none of our soaps leave a film or a residue!

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